Our Story

Bob's Tropicals was founded by Bob and Esti Grinpas in 1990 and is located on Kauai, Hawaii.
Esti, a tourist from Switzerland, met Bob in 1979 at Waikiki Beach. Initially they were running a Windsurfing School on Oahu, but eventually ended up in Kauai fulfilling Bob’s dream to grow tropical flowers. Their 12 acre organic tropical flower farm, initially sold the flowers locally. Then in 1993 the internet propelled Bob’s Tropical into the online flower sales and shipping the flowers to the US Mainland. Drop-shipping protea flowers directly from the Maui growers got added, since protea don’t grow well in the wet Kapaa weather. Eventually Bob dropped more and more back into his Law office work again, to give the family a stronger financial stability during the time of their children’s college attendances. Esti expanded the business by adding more growers to the suppliers of flowers: Protea from Maui, Anthurium from the Big Island and leis from Oahu.
TODAY the farm land is used for other purposes and Esti is working with many growers in Hawaii to give her customers the best & freshest flowers.
Esti’s sincere aim to bring joy and color to America’s homes, and her 30 year long expertise in growing and shipping tropical flowers, has made Bob’s Tropicals a strong, reliable and trustworthy flower business.
Email: support@bobstropicals.com
Phone: 808-822-4599
Kauai / Hawaii
 Director owner
Flower consultant |
CALL US in HAWAII: 808-822-4599 (8:00am - 4:00pm Hawaiian time)
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